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Eva Zeisel:在嬉戏中寻找美。Eva Zeisel:Beauty for Fun.

陶瓷設計師Eva Zeisel是工業設計界的傳奇人物。是什麼讓她1926年的作品在今天依然品味領先?又是什麼讓她在102歲高齡時設計的作品依然像年輕時一樣充滿新意?What makes works created in 1926 by Eva Zeisel, the ceramic artist and legendary industrial designer, still take a lead in trendy taste? What makes works created by her at the age of 102 still innovative like those created in her youth?

1906年,Eva出生犹太家庭,她的母亲是历史学家、女权主义者,家人多为科学家、经济学家、工程师......可17岁的她偏偏要来点不一样的——油画。在皇家美术学院学了没多久,又跑去学陶艺,每天跟一堆泥土厮混,这一混就混了近90年。Eva was born in 1906 to a Jewish family, with her mother as a historian and feminist and most of her family as scientists, economists, engineers...the 17-year-old Eva, however, wanted something different, she wanted oil painting. After a short stay in Royal Academy of Fine Arts, she went to learn ceramics, playing around with clay all day everyday for nearly 90 years since then.
19岁的Eva在巴黎旅行时,参观了一些现代工业设计大师的展览,这初出茅庐的小姑娘竟然就一个想法——“太冰冷”。At the age of 19, Eva went to visit a number of modern industrial design exhibitions of master hands in a trip to Paris and the only thing on the rookie girl’s mind is “so too cold”.

1928年德国一个陶瓷制造商聘请她设计餐具。身处异国他乡的Eva天天沉浸在一抔土里,每天想的都是如何让设计美得更“有温度”,让更多人被自己的设计感动。In 1928, a German ceramic manufacturer employed her as a tableware designer. Eva indulged herself in a world of clay in the strange landand attempted to make her designs beautiful yet “warmer” and therefore closer to more people’s heart.
去列宁格勒参观前皇家瓷器工厂,看到18世纪的餐具档案,萦绕心头多年的问题开始有了答案:简约的现代设计可以融入柔软的曲线,让普通的家居用品拥有古典美。A visit to the Royal Ceramic Plant in Leningrad and observations to the tableware profile of the 18th century finally made an answer to the longstanding question on her mind—simple modern designs, with application of soft lines, will put classic elegance on ordinary household wares.

她不喜欢设计单品,喜欢作品之间互有联系She preferred interrelated set of works to single pieces.

她用独有的母性视角,与手里的小器具暖心地对话。She had those little warm motherly talks with the small crafts in her hand.

一双布满皱纹的手,手中的瓷器却如婴儿肌肤般柔滑。A pair of hands covered with wrinkles yet held the baby soft ceramics.

2011年11月,老人与家人度过了温馨的105岁生日,一个月之后安详地离开人世。第二年,她最后设计的餐具才被展出。In November 2011, the old lady spent her 105th birthday in sweetness with her family and then passed away peacefully a month later. Tablewares designed in her last days were put on display the next year.

“我们必须用毕生时间,像送人一份礼物一样,创造美好的东西。”“Creation of beautiful things, like giving out gifts, is our lifetime endeavor.”

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